La produzione varia dai tubi al carbonio, saldati e senza saldatura, ai tubi legati da bonifica, o per impieghi termici, fino ad arrivare ai tubi in acciaio inossidabile.
I tubi al carbonio, saldati e senza saldatura, si contraddistinguono per la precisione dimensionale e l’ottima finitura superficiale. La possibiltà di effettuare i più svariati trattamenti termici permette di fornire caratteristiche meccaniche personalizzate. Gli accia da bonifica (C45, C60) completano la gamma.
La versatilità degli impianti produttivi permette la lavorazione di moltepli tipologie di acciai: acciai da bonifica (25CrMo4, 42CrMo4), acciai da cementazione (16MnCr5, 19MnCr5), acciai al CrMo destinati alla termica (P11, P22, P5, PT 9-91) e acciai areonautici (15CDV6).
Alongside the common austenitic stainless steels (TP304, TP316. TP321), there are duplex (UNS 31803), superduplex (UNS 32750) and ferritic steels (TP430). The tubes are supplied raw or solubilized depending on the use and customer requests.
- TUBIMETAL is able to offer a very varied production of precision cold drawn tubes: welded and seamless in carbon, alloy and stainless steel.
- The experience of Tubimetal staff guarantees the best product for different fields of application: chassis (cycles, motorcycles, karts, aeronautics, etc.), mechanics in general, and thermal (boilerwork and heat exchangers).
- The control techniques, high frequency dimensional checks, used by Tubimetal as a prevention strategy applied during the tube production cycle, ensure that we obtain excellent quality of the finished product and the utopia of "zero waste" becomes reality.
- Its strength is the immediate timing in the various supplies. The know-how of the technical staff, quality, respect for the environment are the cornerstones of the company's development aimed at obtaining a highly qualitative product as its objective.
- The relationship with our customers built with deep collaboration highlights, in addition to the supply of materials, a complete assistance service in the various supply processes.